Thursday, March 3, 2011

RH Bill: To Whom Does P-Noy Owe His Governance?

In addressing social, political, and economic issues, the Philippine president forgets his discretion. In matters concerning making national decisions, P-Noy is not known to formulate his own.

Despite the supposed separation of powers between church and state, which ought to characterize the system of government in the Republic of the Philippines in lieu of democracy, the head of state continues to allow his mandate be besmirched by a religious sector, the Catholic Church to be exact.

Of late, the said church crosses the borders again and overuses its powers to block the enactment of the Reproductive Health Bill, which when ratified could provide safe and efficient maternal healthcare among women, thereby abbreviating the number of maternal deaths; mitigate the contagion of sexually-transmitted diseases including AIDS, and avert the ballooning of our population, among others.

The constitutional doctrine of church and state separation clearly implies that there is no religion recognized by the state to be the national or official. This means that no church in the Philippines shall use its beliefs or employ its powers to mold the minds of politicians during legislations as part of their functions.

Apparently, the Catholic Church does not respect it, in as much as it does not acknowledge its own blemishes. Instead, it professes dominance over the government by claiming divinity.

No one—including any institution—should be above the law.

However, the way the incumbent administration is handling its national affairs, it impresses even to the international community that the president and his government is under the Catholic Church’s laws, or another’s.

Also, the same doctrine signifies that the government must not favor a religion or church over the others in exercising its authority.

Certainly, the state’s executive fails to uphold this as it lets the Catholic Church’s self-professed morality impede the consummation of his presidency, while refusing to listen to the grievances of groups that represent collective opinion of the greater populace.

Where is the rule of law?

It has performed a disappearing act a long time ago. Equality was lost among individuals and institutions as interests of the select few were given more emphasis over the others. The very principle of unity itself has divided the peoples. Many of whom cry for justice. While others pursue different endeavors with varied motives, sometimes, to the extent of trampling on others' rights.

As the ensuing days project to unravel more hideous scenarios in the political arena in and outside the nation, the picture would likely depict a regular theme: a president married to the Catholic Church (Oh, why not when he even consulted during a retreat the Bishops’ wisdom whether or not he should gun for the highest position in the land).

Could it be the reason why the incumbent president acts like the CBCP’s puppy, este, the anointed?

Obviously, this term’s president is collared by the CBCP.

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  1. Okay, for the second time I'll write this comment. I never approved of this president. I think he represents the average Pinoy. I think that's why his P-NOY slogan is such a click. "We" (because I am talking about the majority and not necessarily myself) got what "we" wanted then. You did an edgy piece. I would like to read something more cut-throat in the future. Quick and deadly as the blades in Kill Bill.

  2. On the cyberspace, there is a small group of individuals who are against the average Pinoy--or Da Pinoy as they call them-- and they label themselves the AntiPinoy for their stand on the Filipino's mediocrity of minds, rotten culture, and penchant for oligarchy and the yellow army. :)
